Little Hope of Release?? Or Hope??

“The country is still in the firm grip of a pandemic with little hope of release.” – NY Times, May 5, 2020

The Plague of Corruption

“The game is to prevent the therapies until everyone is infected and push the vaccines, knowing that the flu vaccine increases the odds [of getting the flu] by 36%. (based on a study done by the Department of Defense and reported in   2017-2018 in an article titled: Influenza Vaccination and Respiratory Virus Interference Among Department of Defense Personnel during the 2017-2018 Influenza Season (Greg G. Wolff)

“Taking the vaccine we are more susceptible to the virus. Then put on a mask. Wearing the mask activates your own virus. You are getting sick from your own coronavirus reaction and if it happens to be SARSCOV2 (COVID19) then you have a big problem.” (interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, YouTube post 5/4/20)

What do we do? Mask no mask? Social distance no social distance? Fear the virus and the consequences or not to fear? Who is right? Who is wrong? Who do we believe? What do we believe? Who do we trust? Is this all a part of a government takeover? Some fear it is. Others do not.  Was the virus manufactured? Did it come from a lab in China? Is there a hidden agenda behind all of this?

Professionals (doctors, government leaders, nurses, mental health workers, etc) are divided on these very issues. News media is divided on these issues. People in the general population are divided as observed in the demonstrations and protests.

Do you feel like you are in a quandary in this whole ‘pandemic’? Don’t know where to turn next?

That’s how I have felt. I have read and listened to so many different sources- professionals on the frontlines, Yet, I still am left with these lingering questions I just wrote above.

What I have certainty about in all of this pandemic is this:

My faith is unshaken, because I have a God who is steadfast. His love is steadfast and that love endures forever (I Chronicles 16:34). He is the one in whom I have placed my trust.

My heart hurts for those who have been adversely affected in all ways as a result of this. I have a God who sees and knows all. He is the one in whom I will keep my trust.

My focus will remain on what I KNOW. Who I have certainty in. The ONE in whom I trust. The ONE who gives me strength to face each day. The ONE who gave me life and continues to give me breath to carry out His plan for my life. The ONE who teaches me to observe all things and place my hand in His and allow Him to carry me because He is the one who made the plans for me and He is the one who said ‘his plans are for my well-being and not for harm, to give me a future with hope.’

When I call on Him, pray to Him, seek Him with my whole heart – He said He WILL… hear me, I will find Him because He will let me find Him and He will restore me.

From my view that promise is why I will not worry, because it won’t add anything to my life anyway.  I will not fear because, no matter the outcome of this life my eternal life is going to be more than I can even comprehend right now. I will remain steadfast in the hope that lies within me; that hope is Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. 

Where are you in all of this? What is your future? Hope? or no hope? 


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