Warriors in the Trenches
When soldiers are called out, they go into dangerous places. Their fighting instincts kick in. They know they must do battle. They face opposition from the enemy. They face bloodshed. Many soldiers are on the frontlines knowing that in being there they have a heightened chance of dying in the battle.
Battlegrounds look different in every war. Some are hilly, mountainous, in cities, forests, and on plains. Some have lookout towers, caves, bodies of water, tunnels, and trenches.
These are the battlegrounds of what we might describe as ‘real wars’.
The battlegrounds where other warriors fight might look like homes, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, communities, and yes even what should be sacred places.
Warriors might be sly, filled with rage, have no self-control, cruel, aggressive, deliberate, and vengeful.
Warriors may be forceful, loyal to the cause or to authority, protective, determined, steadfast, and rational.
The spirit of the warrior makes all the difference in how the battle is fought in the trenches. A warrior who seeks after God’s Spirit and seeks to do battle filled with His Spirit and with His armor covering is a warrior who will see VICTORYat the end of the war.
As a warrior when fighting a spiritual war we are reminded that Satan is the enemy. He is the author of lies, the deceiver, our opposition, out to destroy, take you down, and kill. Peter describes him this way- (I Peter 5:8) Satan is like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Instead of being in fight or flight mode- STAND FIRM(Ephesians 6:13-14). DO NOT BE DESTROYED!
As a warrior I must be willing to put on EVERYpiece of God’s armor to be able to stand against the enemy. If every piece of armor is in place I will still be standing at the end of the war!
Dressing in the Spirit to do battle I have to clothe myself with Truth, Righteousness, peaceof God’s Word to be fully prepared. In my hand I need Faithto stop fiery arrows of the evil one. I will need the covering of salvationand carry the Word of God.
Use Prayer, God’s Word, Praise, and be clothed with the armor of God – then remember- DO NOT be afraid or discouraged because of Satan – for the battle is not YOURS but GOD’S!! (2 Chronicles 20:15). If you are a warrior in the trenches remember-
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