What do you do when you are ISOLATED and…

You need food to eat? 
…Find food- go to the grocery store, visit the farm stand, look in the cabinets, refrigerator, freezer and get something to eat to satisfy that frenzied need to eat.

You are tired? 
…Find a chair, couch, bed, beach mat, or lounge chair and sit, lay, prop your feet and head, and rest your tired mind, eyes, head, feet, and body.

You need to hear a voice? 
…Pick up your phone or tablet and FaceTime, Hangout, or Zoom in for a quick voice fix, hear a word of encouragement, catch up on the news- wait that’s not very interesting these days, so never mind that one 😊.  You listen, talk, enjoy the company Zoom out - until next time. 

You are on overload of energy?

…GO RUN! Workout, walk in the park keeping good physical distance of course. Produce blogs, vlogs, sing- make that joyful noise. Ok just GO, find creative ways to get rid of all that energy. I think I’m going to go pick up trash along the trail. I’ll be back to finish – Yes I’m on ENERGY overload. Isolation keeps me from being able to chase the most precious littles in my world. 

You are broken-hearted, downcast, depressed, oppressed, isolated? 

…Ah, yes some of you are here. Pray, read uplifting stories, sing! David said, “LOOK UP to the hills”- (I know some of you live in flat lands) LOOK UP to the heavens- Your help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip. The Lord will keep you! He will not slumber or sleep, but He will help you rest. He is your keeper, your shade in the heat of the day, HE WILL KEEP YOU! 

Lauren Daigle sings LOOK UP CHILD Listen Here

Be blessed today!


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