
Showing posts from April, 2020


What do you do when you are ISOLATED and… You need food to eat?  …Find food- go to the grocery store, visit the farm stand, look in the cabinets, refrigerator, freezer and get something to eat to satisfy that frenzied need to eat. You are tired?  …Find a chair, couch, bed, beach mat, or lounge chair and sit, lay, prop your feet and head, and rest your tired mind, eyes, head, feet, and body. You need to hear a voice?  …Pick up your phone or tablet and FaceTime, Hangout, or Zoom in for a quick voice fix, hear a word of encouragement, catch up on the news- wait that’s not very interesting these days, so never mind that one  😊 .  You listen, talk, enjoy the company Zoom out - until next time.  You are on overload of energy? …GO RUN! Workout, walk in the park keeping good physical distance of course. Produce blogs, vlogs, sing- make that joyful noise. Ok just GO, find creative ways to get rid of all that energy. I think I’m going to g