MIGHTY small
This insect looks so elegant when it moves. They have stealthy- slow, graceful, calculated movements. Watch out though because they are powerful. Praying Mantis’ are predators. While they typically cannot hurt humans, according to National Geographic studies they have been known to eat “frogs, lizards, salamanders, newts, shrews, mice, snakes, tiny soft-shelled turtles, and even once a small bat.” Never underestimate SMALL. Never underestimate ELEGANT. I spent several minutes observing this insect. As it approached the end of the rail there was a calculated turn to make it to the adjacent rail. However, after several attempts to determine if there was ‘sure footing’ on the down side this critter decided to turn around and opted for the sure thing. When I see things like this I always ask myself- What life lesson can you observe or learn from this bit of nature. This little guy/gal (I don’t know how to tell the gender of a praying mantis) first remin...